Francesca Eandi and Lisa Taibi are the core of L’Usine which is based in Turin, Milan and Paris. But L’Usine collaborates also with Marcello Licitra, Consuelo Rosso, Cinthya Luglio and Catalina Rivera.
L’Usine care about architecture, design and communication. They believe in the urban regeneration and re-distribution of space. They love cities and landscape and are eager to learn from existing environment, respecting the territory in which they operate.
L’Usine don’t love squandering on materials or spacing and are not obsessed by originality but is interested in good manners and in the accuracy of details. They believe in the visibility ad a value to be protected and in the lightness of touch (spiritual, too) as well as in the open exchange of ideas among professional profiles. L’Usine believe that comparing and listening, activities are essential in the experimentation and in the uniqueness of a single project, whether it is an object or a specific area of a city.
L’Usine tend to create enjoyable spaces and places.
Lisa Taibi

Francesca Eandi

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